ONE of my favorite sayings that many of you have witnessed is: “The THING of it is………” and then I finish my story….
12 days before Fall… and TIME to think of “THINGS”– A Transformational internal ‘house cleaning’ of your THINGS? (I LOVE to do this 4 times a year)…. SO??? Do a 1 to 10 (Being the highest) of your THINGS in the “Circle of Life” Personal, Financial, Career, Life Purpose, Faith, Nutrition, exercise, Emotions, Stress Mastery, Environment, Play/Creativity, Self-Care, Relationships.
Then… put this THING on you’re to do list…. With “MIND MOVES”:
Lastly: Make a list of things that make you happy. Make a list of things you do every day. Compare the lists. Adjust accordingly.
SECONDLY, make a list of “THINGS Money Can’t Buy”
Manners, Morals, Respect, Character, Common Sense, Trust, Patience, Class, Integrity, and LOVE!!
LASTLY: Make a list of THING you do every day. Compare the Lists. Adjust Accordingly!!
THIS FALL? Do YOUR Transformational Inventory; Adding, Eliminating, and Organizing YOUR THINGS for your most amazing and transformational Life!!