“Life is like a milkshake— CHOOSE your ingredients wisely”. As a Certified Health Coach of 40-plus years, I have been a TRAIL BLAZER!! Early on? I had people on numerous occasions approach me and ask me quizzically: “HEALTH Coach?? What sport do you COACH? My answer? YOUR BODY!!
In Spanish its: “Una Cuerpo… Una VIDA”: One Body One LIFE!! If you OWNED a Lamborghini? A Ferrari? Would you put apple juice in the gas tank? NO… NO… NO.. NO… NO!! You’d put premium gas. — THE same GOES with your body: Fill it up with THE best of the BEST–You deserve A PREMIUM Milk Shake!
Growing up as A SMALL town girl from Montana— which touted ONE traffic light… There wasn’t much to do, so MUSIC became my talent. At age 18, I left to perform in the concert halls and stages in North America and Europe— I CHOSE my path and ingredients wisely to realize my childhood dream! How many of you have innocently just put YOUR life’s ingredients together to realize your childhood dream? You can STILL mix your milkshake today.
I TRULY BELIEVE that “HEALTH isn’t something YOU DO—But who you ARE and BECOME along life’s journey!! If you lived your life in reverse? WHAT would it look like? Could you be riding your bike, rather than being pushed in a wheel chair? Could you be creating your OWN path rather than being dependent on the schedule of a Visiting Angel? Could you be RIDICULOUSLY ACTIVE rather than be sequestered to a hospital bed with handles? Starting each morning Swimming Laps OR? Miss bouncing your grandchildren ON your lap? How would it feel to: Have Golden Days in your Golden Years? YOU CAN!! It begins today with choosing YOUR milkshake’s ingredients wisely NOW! NOW spelled backwards is: “WON”. Isn’t it time for YOU to WIN at YOUR life?
When you choose your life’s ingredients for exercise— You can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet. You cannot exercise your way to optimal health!! I experienced this FIRST HAND. As a Nationally Ranked Triathlete and Master Marathoner… I made a mistake… that I see many people that feel they are ‘healthy’? DO: I was competing in a marathon a month; running a ridiculously ‘over active’ 60-80 miles a WEEK! I taxed my own body; soured the milk in MY milk shake and had a situation 21 years ago with Stage 4 Melanoma…. Since that pivotal moment in my mid -40’s I have TRULY paced myself, and created harmony to say—I WALK my TALK… to ALWAYS: LISTEN to the warning signs of my body. I encourage YOU to do the same for your premium ingredient life milk shake. These signs first arise as: A “Tap on the Shoulder”. Then they progress to a “2 X 4”. I implore you to take heed: BEFORE it becomes a “MACK TRUCK”!! “UNA CUERPO… UNA VIDA”… When you integrate this SIMPLE Life ingredient and skill— Then? Your milk shake will taste OH! So SWEET!!
What you do in your 20’s and 30’s either rewards you or BITES YOU IN THE BUTT in your 50’s 60’s and BEYOND….. SO? REMEMBER: Life IS like a milkshake— CHOOSE your ingredients wisely!! When you do? ENERGY promotes VITALITY which transcends to LONGEVITY. If you lived your life in reverse? WHAT would it look like? CHOOSE to live your LIFE with PREMIUM ingredients: BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT— LIVE YOUR BEST version of you, your life and MILKSHAKE—and CHOOSE those ingredients wisely!!— Always remember-
To be the best that YOU can be? Come be coached by Health Coach Jo Dee!!
Jo Dee Baer
Certified Health Coach; Holistic Nutritionist A.B.D.